Mindfully Creative Writing Workshop with Walter Mason


Reignite your creative spark and share your gifts with the world. Tap into true creative thinking and become aware of the vast reserves of wisdom within.

Join author Walter Mason on a creative journey to combine the insights of meditation and mindfulness with the joy of creative writing. Realise the possibilities of your creativity from a place of profound stillness and have a great time doing it. Go deep within to unleash your own amazing worlds of story and experience.

This writing course, Mindfully Creative with Walter Mason, takes place at Writing NSW in Sydney. Writing NSW is located in Callan Park, Balmain Rd, Lilyfield.

In this workshop, participants will:

Receive an overview of mindful creative practice
- Understand the importance of cultivating a visionary approach to creative projects
- Discover how to use mindfulness techniques to make a positive impact on their creative pursuits
- Explore how to connect with nature in order to stimulate ideas and inspire a deeper approach to their writing
- Learn the importance of embracing positivity and enthusiasm in persisting with their chosen creative work
- Consider different ways to share their work with the world based on love, art and the spirit of exploration, rather than relying on older models of creative validation.


Writing NSW @ Callan Park, Balmain Rd, Lilyfield NSW 2038, Australia


$135 - $210


Through writingnsw website

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